Blair Stocker is a mother to Ian and Emma, wife to Peter, and maker of things, living in Seattle, Washington. She believes that the best of days involve making something and enjoying the process whether it be sewing, spray painting, cooking, or creating things with her kids. She blogs about her creative pursuits at wise craft.

I’m so excited to share a project today on Studio Tea! This is an easy project for kids of all ages (and adults too). When my kids were smaller and we were out and about, I would use this to keep their little hands occupied if we were waiting in line and had time to spare. All you need to finger crochet is a ball of yarn. In fact, the hardest part is choosing a yarn color. My daughter and I did this the other night and found the whole process very meditative and enjoyable. Give it a try!
Print out your own Finger Crochet tutorial.
My daughter and I used lengths of finger crochet to create a necklace (try adding large beads or bells). We also held 2 yarns at the same time to crochet new shoelaces. See what you can come up with.