With amazing views and a 12-foot-deep bowl, the Bondi Beach Skate Park in Sydney is any skater’s dream. The park got its start in 1991 as two skate ramps. The current incarnation was built in 2004 thanks in no small part to John Fox—a former skater who volunteers to take care of the grounds and keep the bowl tag-and trash-free. The park is painted swimming pool aqua blue in a nod to the dry backyard pools of Venice Beach, CA, that were the best place for young skaters to get their wheels under them back in the Dogtown days of the early 1970s—a scene that inspired Aussie skaters like Fox. Now young guys and gals can practice McTwists and noseslides against the backdrop of the blue waves of Bondi Beach. For our latest catalog, we headed to the Bondi Beach Skate Park with our friends to take photos on the amazing backdrop. Here are some photos from the shoot!
 Make sure to check out our guest post with the Kelsays, a SoCal living fam full of skateboarders.