Our latest diy project was inspired by the Lunefuld Dress’ whimsical flowers. Create bouquets for pennies rather than benjamins.

-thin cardboard (we used a file folder)
-green pipe cleaners
-rainbow variety of tissue paper
Step 1: Start drawing flower petal shapes onto thin cardboard. Download our flower petal template or draw some free hand designs of your own.
Step 2: Cut out flower petals from cardboard and start tracing the shapes onto tissue paper.
*Tip: Fold the tissue paper into quarters to trace once but get 4 times as many petals.

Step 3: Cut out the flower petals. The more petals the better!

Step 4: Lay them out and start stacking your petals. The biggest petal will be the first one you poke onto the pipe cleaner.

Step 5: Poke your petals onto the pipe cleaner. Push only about 1/8 down the pipe cleaner, then fold the top 1/2 inch down to form a nub, so the flower petals can’t escape.

Step 6: After all desired petals are safely secured onto your pipe cleaner, gather the petals into a cone shape with your hands to create a ‘blooming’ look.

Once you start it’s hard to not get carried away.