We’re all familiar with the distinct sound of the cuckoo clock, but do you know where the cuckoo clock originated?

One of the first places cuckoo clocks were made was in the Black Forest, located in southwestern Germany. These clocks were the main product of the region starting in the mid-18th century and are still being produced there today. These traditional style clocks are adorned with carvings of leaves and animals and display the hand of a true craftsman.
Even as these clocks grew in popularity, the craftsmen of the Black Forest never stopped hand-carving the clocks, making the demand even greater. We’re always inspired by the patterns and shapes we come across during our travels… these handmade cuckoo clocks were no exception!

.01 Moving Wood-Chopper and Dancers Chalet // .02 Black Forest Cuckoo Clock
.03 Music Dancer Cuckoo Clock // .04 Quartz Hunters Cuckoo Clock
.05 Hubert Herr Hand Carved Black Forest Cuckoo Clock
Guest post by Emma Randall; current student at Santa Clara University studying Finance and Retail Studies.