Meet Juliette, our Inspiring Little Citizen from Los Altos, California. Juliette cares a lot about bees and is an avid Bee Ambassador! Her class wrote and performed a play where she played the role of a farmer who shares how bees are important for both plants and people. It was then that her passion for bees blossomed. She soon set out to share her knowledge from the play with her community, educating everyone from adults and kids at a pool party to the staff at a special needs residential center, and her neighbors.
Read on to learn more about Juliette and how she’s setting out to make a difference.
Tell us a bit about yourself…
I am six years old. I enjoy trips to the ocean, reading comic books, making friendship bracelets and playing with my little sister and brother.
How did you get involved in helping others?
In school, I learned about bees and I like to tell my friends about them. I hope that by sharing what I know with other people, they will pass along the information and kindness to others they know. Then, more people will understand how important it is to be kind to bees, and people too.
How does helping others make you feel?
Helping other people makes me feel really good about myself as it’s a really good thing to do. It makes me feel happy and grateful because I’m doing something for someone.
What do you hope the donation from Tea will accomplish?
I hope that the donation from Tea will make a beautiful garden! I hope that the flowers and vegetables make everybody happy and works out really well.
What do you want to do next? Do you have any big plans or ideas to make your community a better place?
In the future, I want to help plant new things at my school garden. Right now we have flowers and peas, and I want to expand it so that more pollinators come and help it to grow and grow. When people garden together they work together, and the more people the merrier. That’s how I plan to help my community become a better place.
Head to and shop through August 5th to help support Juliette in her efforts to bring sweet blooms and vegetation to a developmentally disabled group home in her community!